Romanian vegan fudge

by - 01:02

Romanian vegan fudge


We call it ’homemade chocolate’; it resembles fudge.

With all the events and the pressure around, I need to detox. So, with a few ingredients, as usual, I made something for the first time: a Romanian vegan fudge.


I needed:

125g coconut milk powder

10g cocoa

60 ml water

100g coconut sugar

30g coconut oil


+ a 12*18 cm dish


In a bowl, mix the coconut milk powder and cocoa.

Then, pour the water and the coconut sugar into a pan and leave it on low heat. After you notice bubbles forming, let the mixture simmer for 3 minutes. Then, add the coconut oil. Simmer for three minutes more (enough to caramelise the ingredients) and add the coconut milk powder and cocoa mix by stirring continuously.

The texture of the Romanian vegan fudge

Work fast because the fudge may harden – and pour it into the dish.

Let it sit in the fridge if you wish to have it ready faster.


Marcel was very pleasantly surprised and, more importantly, he savoured it.

What about me? I had my cravings met, as my Romanian vegan fudge turned out delicious.

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