Quinoa crust pizza

by - 02:55

Quinoa crust pizza

For a different pizza (but a filling one!), you’ll need—


100g quinoa (+500ml water)

a pinch of salt

1 tbsp of olive oil

60ml water

+tomato juice

+2 tomatoes


Optional: avocado


How can we bake a pizza from these?

Pour hot water over the quinoa.

Let it sit for half an hour. Drain the quinoa thoroughly. Then, add it into a blender with the salt, olive oil, and water.

Spread the batter onto a pizza baking pan over baking parchment. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes at 200°C.

The quinoa pizza batter

Remove from the oven. Spread tomato juice over the crust, place the sliced tomatoes, add the salt, and bake for 15 minutes more at 200°C.

Add the tomatoes to the quinoa crust pizza

Add avocado slices over the pizza if you wish after removing it from the oven the second time.


Enjoy it! I have a hunch you will!

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