Blackberry preserves

by - 01:53

Blackberry preserves


500g blackberries

500g sugar

125ml water

juice from half a (large) lemon


We went blackberry picking last Sunday; they are so flavourful! I placed some in the freezer for winter, ate some others, baked some desserts with them, and couldn’t help but make preserves out of them.

I used an old recipe of my Mum again. It goes like this (the fast version)—


Clean and wash the blackberries well.

Place them into a pan, add the sugar and squeeze the lemon. Then, add the water.

Place the blackberries into a pan, add the sugar, squeeze the lemon, and add the water

Let it immediately simmer on low heat.

When the texture is syrupy, place the pan aside (it took 45 minutes in our case).

Pour the preserves into jars. We got 1 big jar and 2 small ones.


I can’t wait to taste it in the morning!

It turned out wonderful, caramelised as much as needed!

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