Grape cake

by - 02:05

Grape cake

2 eggs
100g sugar
vanilla extract
lemon zest
5g baking powder
75g butter (melted and cooled)
75g yoghurt
200ml milk
75g flour
250g grapes

It is wise to eat frugally during these times, in my opinion. I had some grapes from my Dad (he always buys me grapes!), so I told myself to try out a new recipe from my Mom.

Beat the egg whites until stiff; add sugar little by little, followed by the egg yolks. Mix in a dash of vanilla extract and a little bit of lemon zest, together with the baking powder, the butter, the yoghurt, the milk (I used pistachio milk), and the flour.
The egg whites are beaten until stiff

Pour the batter into a rectangular baking pan, on baking parchment.
Wash the grapes and roll them through some flour; then, scatter them over the dough.
The grapes are scattered over the dough

Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, at 180°C.

Mom writes at the end of her recipe that you may use any fruits – ’juicy’ ones, I’d add: sour cherries, apricots, cherries, blackberries…

This cake is so fluffy and ‘so easy to eat’, like my Marcel would say!
You’re welcome! :P

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