Carob pekmez

by - 01:08

Carob pekmez

Makes 500ml


2500 ml water

600g carob (pods)


The story starts in Braşov. A Cyprus trip was next. As I discovered a festival celebrating carobs, I told myself—’You can’t miss it’. So, the entire plan was built around it.

It’s only that, during the first day listed by the organisers on the website, there was no festival in Tatlısu Village. We returned in two days. To no avail. There was one last chance, one evening before returning to Romania.



We were not only warmly welcomed (we were the only foreigners) but we were served Carob pekmez (the carob molasses), which is drunk cold, as syrup, before the authorities expected that evening. :D We were granted this honour because a kind lady who spoke English explained to the organisers that we had the flight home in only a few hours and that we were staying in Famagusta.


We were given the recipe. As we bought carob pods, we adapted it – especially Marcel – and here it is—


Boil the carob pods for 15 minutes and let them rest overnight.

Boil the carob pods

The following day, remove the seeds from the pods and cut the pods into pieces.

Remove the seeds from the carob pods

Boil the mixture again (in the same syrup) and then strain it using a cheesecloth.

Strain the carob mixture

Pour it into bottles and store these in the fridge. (In Cyprus, they simmer it for 3-4 hours more but their quantities are huge.)

Place the remaining carob pieces onto a baking pan; you can dry them in the oven and then use them as such or grind them into carob powder.

The carob pieces

I hope you find this recipe useful!

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