Strawberry scones

by - 02:11

Strawberry scones

Makes 9


40g butter

200g sour cream

a pinch of salt

35g sugar

½ sachet of baking powder

210g flour

110g strawberries


Fall strawberries are here. And they’re so flavourful! I had some sour cream left, so I thought of baking some scones that I had on my mind for a long time.


Melt the butter and the sour cream in a pan, on low heat. After the butter melts, add the salt, the sugar, and the baking powder, stirring slowly.

Next, add the flour. The dough will be compact and non-gooey, but slightly oily.

The strawberries that were washed and cleaned were cut into 4 or 8, depending on their size, and then mixed and added to the dough by kneading – don’t worry, they will not be too juicy.

The strawberry scones dough

Spread the dough by hand (thickness: 5mm) and cut the scones using a 7cm round cutter.

Place the scones on a baking parchment, in a large baking pan, and bake them for 15 minutes in the preheated oven at 200C.

The final result: the strawberry scones before the oven

They taste like butter croissants and shortbread. ♥

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