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Szilvás gombóc (Plum dumplings)
9-10 dumplings
500g potatoes
1 tbsp sugar
2 large eggs
5 tbsp flour (+an
extra amount needed; 90g of flour sufficed in my case)
9-10 large plums (and
ripe, for the best results!)
+water and salt
+3 tbsp butter
+6 tbsp breadcrumbs
+sugar or brown
+cinnamon (for
those who love it; I adore it!)
my childhood years, you could bet where I'd be in August: in the home of my
grandparents, in Bod. Which are the flavours that remind me most of my early
August months? Plums, in the dumplings that my family has been preparing based
on the same recipe for tens of years (I adapted it... but only a little)...
which were one of the greatest treats made by my grandmothers.
the potatoes well and let them boil with their skins on. When they are ready,
peel them and mash them with the potato masher or even with a fork, in a large
a pinch of salt, the sugar, the eggs, 3 tablespoons of flour and 2 more and
keep adding flour until the dough is sticky, but not very sticky.
a baking mat, scatter flour generously. The washed plums (I don’t like to take
their stones out; this is how I used to eat the plum dumplings as a child) are
one by one covered in a piece of dough and the small ball is then rolled
through the flour.
a large pot, put water and salt to boil. When the water starts boiling, add the
dumplings; when they rise to the surface, they are ready. You can roll them through
the breadcrumbs that have already been browned in butter.
like my plum dumplings warm and my Mom used to serve them with brown sugar
mixed with cinnamon. Regular sugar is also a good idea.
the (less likely) case that plum dumplings are left (I like to boil them all at
once), they keep well for 1-2 days in the fridge. You can reheat them in the
oven before savouring them all over again. Marcel helped me a lot – to prepare
them and to eat them. J