Romanian-style amaretti

by - 18:30

Romanian-style amaretti

Makes 20

65g walnuts
100g sugar
2 egg whites
½ sachet vanilla sugar
3 drops almond essence
10g flour

’Mom, what are you baking?’
’Amaretti.’ [It’s even more difficult to pronounce in Romanian – we call them ’pricomigdale’.]
I remember that bizarre name. ’It sounds so posh’ I’d tell myself. I was 8 or 9.
Having a bite of those cookies, though, straight out of the oven, the name-related thought would go away. They were that good!...
How can you bake them, too?

Grind the walnuts and mix them with the sugar.
Grind the walnuts and mix them with the sugar
Add the egg whites without beating them and heat the batter on low heat; don’t stop stirring.
By continuing to stir, cool the batter.
Add the vanilla sugar, the almond essence, and the flour – you will notice the batter turning thicker and gummier.
Form circles with a spoon in a baking pan, on baking parchment. Bake in the oven, preheated at 150°C (with ventilation – as set in the case of all my recipes), for 10 minutes.
Form circles with a spoon in a baking pan

My amaretti are as tasty as those of my childhood. Now I can even say their names right.
How have yours turned out?

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