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Apples and oats
As I wrote in the previous recipe, our detox allowed us to eat a single non-vegan ingredient – butter, as long as it was high-quality butter. We had very few desserts to bring joy into those difficult days; this was one of them.
For a 20x20 cm baking pan, you’ll need—
2 tbsp of butter +40g melted butter
2 apples
125g gluten-free oats
a dash of cinnamon
a dash of nutmeg
a pinch of sea salt
4 tbsp of date sugar
How to prepare?
Melt 2 tbsp of butter. Slice 2 apples.
Pour over them a mix of gluten-free oats, cinnamon, nutmeg, sea salt, date sugar, and the 40g of melted butter.
Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
Munch from a bowl while still warm.
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